Stop Dementia

Every body needs to try to Stop Dementia,

Dementia is something we should all strive to avoid. Although I have no doubt we will all suffer it to some kind of degree degree. How many times have you gone upstairs to get something and then came back downstairs with something else but not actually what you went upstairs to get in the first place.  How ever that is probably not dementia but distraction or lack of focus!

Some suggested ways to stop dementia  are:-

Take regular exercise. A good idea is to go for a brisk walk for 20 to 30 minutes every day.  More exercise would be better but not all of us have the time. But you need to make time.  Brisk walking will increase your blood flow and that really helps. Also try walking backwards for say 10 yards or more.

Eating a healthy diet such as a Mediterranean diet and avoiding things like chips and too much red meat can be a great help too. Most things in moderation are fine but more fruit and vegetables are a great idea. Another one is to reduce sugar.

Avoid smoking and whilst it is perfectly acceptable to drink alcohol this should always be kept in moderation.

Always good to lose weight and not be obese,

All of these will go a along way to reduce  the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

You can get more ideas here  on Mens Health Problems

Stop Dementia